
Limitations on Document Preparation Service:

Once the documents are prepared, we will provide the state-specific forms and detailed filing instructions (via e-mail) for your review. If you recognize any corrections or changes are required, please e-mail our staff. Any typographical errors, mistakes by our staff, or minor changes can be made by our staff for no additional fees. Each of our customers is also welcome to revise their own documents to further suit their needs. Please be advised that we are not responsible for any edits which our customers may make to their documents and/or the implications of these edits in regards to the documents themselves.

We offer no legal advice, recommendations, mediation or counseling under any circumstance.  We are not a law firm, and our employees are not acting as your attorney. Our legal documentation service, through our Rapidocs software, uses the answers you provide to automatically populate legal forms. Our review of your answers is limited solely to completeness, spelling and grammar, as well as internal consistency of names, addresses and the like. At no time do we review your answers for legal sufficiency, draw legal conclusions, provide advice or apply the law to the facts of your particular situation. This Site is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, and by using our services, no attorney-client relationship will be created.  You are totally and solely responsible for your own selections and actions.

Our staff cannot make recommendations for any corrections or changes to documents. Any text which is to be revised or replaced must be identified appropriately and detailed replacement text provided by the customer. In short, our customers have the option of either (a) providing us with detailed exact replacement text or (b) revising the document themselves.

If our staff is asked to make drastic changes or ongoing revisions, additional charges may be warranted. These situations are considered on a case-by-case basis. No additional charges are ever made without a customer's direct approval.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland, as they apply to agreements made and solely performed therein. Disputes arising hereunder shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the state courts of Maryland.

This Site exists only in the State of Maryland, and the Site only performs services within the State of Maryland. You agree that your viewing and use of this Site occurs solely within the State of Maryland, regardless of where your browser is physically located, and that all content and services are located in, served from, and performed wholly within the State of Maryland.

Our Document Preparation Service complies with guidelines established by the Attorney General of the State of Maryland in Opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Maryland, Opinion No. 95-056 (December 19, 1995). These guidelines provide in part that:

A Lay advocate, which is defined as a person not an attorney, may assist a member of the public by:

  • providing basic information about the existence of legal right and remedies;
  • provide basic information about the manner in which judicial proceedings are conducted;
  • assist a person to prepare a legal leading or other legal document on her own behalf by defining unfamiliar terms on a form, explaining where on a form the person is to provide certain information, and if necessary transcribing or otherwise recording the person's own words verbatim.

Our company cannot provide legal advice for any situation or case. As such we cannot make personal recommendations as to what documents should or should not be used and cannot attempt to predict the legal impact of using any certain response or form.

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